To those in the western suburbs, West Lakes freshwater lake isn't too much of a secret. It is on a main road so is easy to find. This freshwater lake is beautiful and has so much to offer.
When you first arrive you are presented with a huge lake and a water fountain. There is a wide range of birdlife around the lake with the majority of them being ducks.

On the large grassy area there is a statue commemorating Sri Chinmoy.

As you continue walking around the largest lake you're taken too a wide rotunda with a grass area around it. There is seating under the rotunda and a BBQ close by. There is plenty of room here for a picnic. Weddings are conducted here as well.

There is an island connected by wooden bridges with another small rotunda on it. There are toilets close by as well for when needed.

You find in the water cute turtles that come up and sun themselves on warm days.

One of my favourite areas of West Lakes freshwater lake though is where hundreds of water lily plants grow. They bloom a lovely pink and attract bees.

It's a great place for the kids to run around too. There is plenty of space for them and they are fascinated by the birds, turtles and plants.

I love how there are little islands in the lake that give birds sanctuary and where huge trees go.

West Lakes Freshwater Lake is one of my favourite places to take my family. Whether we're having a quick walk or packing a picnic and staying longer, it's a lovely place. Parking is close and convenient. There's even a large hill for kids and kids at heart to roll down.