Living in Adelaide, the Adelaide Hills are the backdrop to the city. They may not be big but on a clear day they are a sight to be seen. I'd just spent the afternoon at the Mount Lofty Botanic Gardens and was heading home. Instead of going on the freeway, I decided to take the scenic route home and see if there was a good sunset location on the way. I ended up on Greenhill Road.
The first two stops I made looked like they had potential at first glance but once I'd stopped and gotten out of the car, they didn't live up to their first impression.
The next stop though was breath taking. As the weather had cooled off now that we're into autumn, there was some back burning happening. The smoke filling the valley looked like mist.
Driving in the hills offers so many amazing views but no where to stop the car. I finally found a place to pull over and this was the scene before me. To me this looks more like the Flinders Ranges than it does the Adelaide Hills.
I made this my last stop as the sun had set and I was running out of light.
I've driven down this road a few times but this was the first time I'd been able to stop and take photographs. I really enjoyed it and look forward to heading to the hills again.