2020 in Review

2020 is a year everyone will remember. It changed everyone's lives. For me 2020 was changed by two c's: corona virus and Chloe.

The year had started with me being 3 months pregnant and constantly nauseous. I was chasing after a 2 year old (often literally as he did run down the street once chasing the rubbish truck!). Business took a side step as my energy was consumed with growing a baby and looking after an energetic toddler. 
We got to March and just before we were told to, I went into self isolation to protect my family, especially my unborn baby. It was a tough time as how do you explain to a 2 year old why he can't see family or do simple things like go to a playground? I'm incredibly grateful for family who got me through and a backyard to entertain Sam. The trampoline we got for Christmas was a huge hit!
Lockdown Fun
The great obstetricians and midwives at O & G were a big support as being pregnant during a pandemic is not easy. My mental health was a focus for me during this time as pregnancy is an anxious time for me let alone when there is covid around. 
On the business side, I wanted to brighten people's day and help them to see nature when we were all house bound. Even though I hadn't been shooting much, I went back into the archives and found some beautiful photographs to share to bring peace. 
In the last couple of months of pregnancy, Chloe liked to give me a scare and not move much. This ended up with quick visits to the hospital which reassured me my little girl was ok. It was due to this anxiety that I decided to be induced on the night of the 16th of June. Chloe had other plans though and I went naturally into labour at 2am that day. After an intense labour Chloe Leonie arrived at 11:37am. She came out talking to the world.
Sam adored his little sister and still does (he keeps asking for another baby Chloe!). Jeff has been an amazing father and support. He had 8 weeks off work and this was a huge help getting us being used to a family of 4. Jeff comes home and straight away gets into the thick of helping with the kids, often not eating tea til after 8. I couldn't do it without him.
Chloe was only a few weeks old when my mind went back to business. I'd had an idea for a new product for a long time and now felt it the right time to release it hence subscriptions were born. They are an easy way to never run out of cards. Scripture has always been an encouragement to me so I created posters to pair creation and Creator. I hope they help others be daily encouraged. 
Photography by Kate started 7 years ago. It is no where near where I want it to be. Most businesses only survive 5 years yet I keep going on. God has a plan for my business so I continue. I'm learning to turn to Him more and let Him guide me. Photography by Kate is His as it is the talent He's given me and His creation I photograph. 
I go into 2021 with Sam starting ELC and a 6 month old at home. I work on Photography by Kate prayfully and with dedication.
We are all hoping 2021 will be a much better year. 2020 has changed everything and the future isn't going to be what we all had planned. I pray that 2021 is full of hope. 
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