I love seeing photographs in print. Yes, they look impressive on the computer but when they’re printed you stop and take a good look. You see details that you miss when you’re quickly scrolling online. Note cards are a compact way getting beautiful photographs printed. They have so many uses. If you’re wanting to write a message that is too small for a greeting card but too big for a gift tag, the note card solves your problem. They’re a way to add your message to a bunch of flowers. I’ve also used them as a note of encouragement for a co-worker.

There is a process for creating new products and this is what I did recently while creating new note cards. It’s often that I’ve taken a photograph and been inspired to create a product with that photograph on it. Sometimes it’s that I want to add more products to a range. In that case I look through my photographs to see what will work. I’ll often pick a few and get other people’s thoughts on what they think works best.

If I’m adding to a product range the first step is to make sure that the photograph looks they way I want it to. I then resize the image so that it fits the product. I can then go into Adobe InDesign and just modify the template already created with the new photograph.

If it’s a new product range, I go through the similar steps as above but I need to create the template. This isn’t difficult as I already have the layout planned in my head.
Once I’ve got the product designed, I then get a quote for getting it printed. It is more cost effective to get more than one design printed at a time. I need to decide how much I want to spend and how many I want printed. As I have my printers already chosen, I know that I am in good hands. Once I’ve decided on how many I’m getting printed, I send off the files and then get a printed proof back. I can then check that the colours are right and that everything is the way it’s meant to be.

Once printed, I photograph them and put them on my website for you to be able to purchase.

I love getting feedback so if you have any ideas for products you’d like to me to create, please just let me know.