5 Ways to Connect with God During the Day

Trying to stay connected to God during a busy day is hard to do. There are so many things to do and be distracted by. Here are 5 easy to achieve connect with God throughout the day.

Say grace before every meal. Take a few moments before each meal to thank God for the food that He's provided.

Download a Bible app. Having the Bible on hand wherever you are makes it easier to read some encouraging scripture when you have a spare moment. Some will even send you a notification for a verse a day. I use YouVersion and really like it.

Take 5 minutes to stop and talk to God. Set yourself a timer and take 5 minutes to be by yourself and be still. I know how hard it is to have any time to yourself but it's worth making it a priority at some point in your day to stop and spend time with God.

Memorise Bible verses. Having God's word in our hearts is great for the times that we don't have the time to read or have a Bible on hand.

Books like this are wonderful places to start

Make God the last thing you think about before going to sleep. It's often the only time that we're alone but are also exhausted from a full on day. It's easy to forget that it's a relationship with God and that He loves any time that we're able to spend with Him. I have no doubt that even if we fall asleep while praying, He appreciates that He is our last thought for the day.

How do you connect with God during the day? Leave a comment and let me know. I'd love to hear from you.

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